Practice Bo Bactice Vol 1 Released

March 29, 2020

Last year when we started filming episodes of Practice Bo Bactice, we could never in our wildest dreams have envisioned where we would be right now. We started 2019 wanting to create a series of conversations with artists, musicians, composers, writers, and more about their artistic vision, practice, and habits. Our goal was to make a series of videos about creative work. What emerged over the course of our filming and editing in this past year has far surpassed our highest expectations. But right now, the series feels more important than ever. 

In the past week, we’ve been thinking a lot about something the great Peter Sellars said in a workshop Anthony once took with him: “You teach to create the world you want to live in; not to recreate the one in which we currently are.” As our world is changing before our eyes with unforeseen paradigm shifts, forging new terrain seems more crucial than ever. 

With this in mind, we bring you the first finished episode of Practice Bo Bactice: “Claire Chase: The Punctum In The Sound.”

All best to you in these strange strange times

Anthony & Rebecca